Welcome to Operation Chronos
For those of you who have not watched the Incredibles, let's just call it operation: Skynet Cybersatan
This is the clearest picture. Taken with my Iphone7. Here you clearly see the outlines of an object, this is not fake. I didn't notice this blue orb until afterwards. These are the orbs targeting individuals, even in their bedroom, invisibly levitating. I could go into the technology behind this as it's not too hard to engineer.
Are you and the Church in danger???
A copyrighted article by Thomas.
This is a long read. For the full article, please see all my books for free here: My 6-book series, the last reformation, the only true religion!
How can you explain to your children that you lived, knew of the evil, yet didn`t lead the parade against the evil of this age? Once you open your eyes to heresy and conspiracy, how can close them without a guilty conscience before God?
What your teachers, government and media tell you isn`t true and you know it! You`ve been living inside a dream-world since you were born!
I will teach you revolution. We face censorship, and a much greater threat: Communist police-states. This book is a compilation of many articles I wrote over the years 2017-19, and assumes the reader has a knowledge-basis within several conspiracy-theory topics. Theories to study, for the readers interest, are shortly summarized here:
Aerosol AI smartdust from planes, e.g ¨chemtrails¨, infecting all humans with AI self-replicating Morgellon fibers, the dangers of 5g, the AI possessed skynet ¨cybersatan¨ mark of the beast cpu Matrix simulation/surveillance of all life, to overwrite our reality to control every human on the planet, the Sabbatean Frankist Thelema antichrist religion of the elite, the Jesuit-Sabbatean-Illuminati-Satanic interconnection since the 16th-18th century up until today, and their conspiracy (organized anti-human-activists whose religion is destruction/everything inverted) of the abovementioned who infiltrated all religions and all sectors of society with their inhuman poison, EXPOSING proofs of this conspiracy: Jewish and religious elite who are Satanic/Sabbatean Frankists (Vatican, Bohemian Club, OTO, Satanism etc), the Islam conspiracy (Islam was created by the Vatican, research Dr. Alberto Rivera) , the educational conspiracy to construct a false theory of physics, evolution, math, and all other scholarly fields (check out David Wilcock`s Wisdom Teachings, Wilhelm Reich and Michael Tellinger) , the Reptilian shapeshifter conspiracy (check out David Icke and interdimensional physics) , the giant human skeletal remains cover-up (again check out Michael Tellinger), extinct human dwarves, giants, (Sylvie Ivanova www.megaliths.org newearth youtube channel) hybrids, ¨alien species¨, etc, the Nazi relocation to Antarctica (Jim Wilhelmson`s Beyond Science Fiction) and Vimanna/UFO technology, the Marxist conspiracy to destroy nation, race, culture, and identity disguised as ¨eliminating polarities in the name of freedom and equality¨, and the plans to rule Earth guised as spacemen from the ¨universe¨, the so called ¨false flag alien invasion¨, false flag terror attacks in general, the Federal Reserve system, debt based economy, the Rothschild Sabbatean Illuminati banking-cartel, and how they created and financed all revolutions and wars of the last 300 years including the French revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, the depopulation agenda 21 (check out David Icke) and the NWO plans for a worldwide communist dictatorship.
If you could check yes on this list, then this is the book for you. As a former Jew, I was appalled when I learnt of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank`s antichrist inversion of Judaism and their effect on the Illuminati. I puked, cried, and was disgusted by the thought of calling myself an Israelite or ¨human¨ for that matter. The Sabbatean-Frankist-Illuminati conglomerate conspiracy is a matter of fact, and the root conspiracy beneath all others (aside from the conspiracy of Hell, the afterlife existence). Satan is ultimately the winner and his demons at the bottom of all conspiracy against mankind. The founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey (Levi by birthname) was also a Jew. Their sadomasochistic sodomy anal and pedophilia perversion and rituals of murder must be exposed at all costs. Sinning was somewhat innocent until the antichrist, Sabbatai Zevi came along and got over 1000.000 Jewish followers proclaiming he was the Messiah in 1666. Do your research on YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. We will use terms like ¨Jewish-masonic¨ and ¨Satanic Illuminati¨ as they are infiltrated by Sabbateanism. Here`s mankind`s battleplan:
Reed out the politicians, the financial elite cause of wars, the cultural pedophile elite, and the technocratic elite. Let investigative journalism media disclose REAL truth, history, science, and medical technology, dealing with these THREE elites first, enlightening the west, and WATCH as the humanistic west peacefully returns to harmony automatically, integrating Muslims into an intellectual humanistic society 100% naturally.
Reed out the cause of the problem, and the problem will die of naturally. And the problem is certainly not immigrants. We are way beyond that, and face much graver fortunes. The cause of the problem is the WAR.
Population-reduction. Satanic communist dictatorships from false-flag alien invasions, and population-control through artificial intelligence.
Reed out the (Satanic) Illuminati cause, and THEN handle its problems: Wars, poor immigrants, and fascist RELIGION, all sponsored by multinational conglomerates in the Jewmerican Union popularly called the ¨New World (dis)Order, which then dissolves by itself.
What do we do? Spread knowledge about truth-topics that everyone, not only the Christians, can relate to. Topics that are easy to swallow, easy for the layman to understand, topics like ¨the state lied about alternative cancer treatments not being available.¨ Attack the technocracy in such a manner to ensure there will be an uproar to surf on, shouting and parading the other more difficult to believe topics, or else they won`t believe us. Get the ball rolling to use we can use and control public outcry outcomes to bring down the state or create a Christian break-up, the 144.000.
The article continues below the videos:
The main purpose of chemtrails: Worldwide control of all humans by AI Cybersatan 666
It`s already here. And I`m a test subject warning you of the dangers. Satan has returned in the form of a supercomputer that controlls all life on the planet. Mk-Ultra`s self replicating morgellons polymer fibers, connected to computers inside your brain, all humans worldwide controlled by AI.
Why we must fight - the ultimate mark of the beast!
I deserve my rights but have none! The Norwegian police-state should be considered an illegal force of violent population control, but have authorized gangstalking, and electronic harassment on unknowing citizens, as they test out the mark-of-the-beast on me unwillingly like a lab-rat for no other reason than them being technocrat madscientists, antihuman misanthropist activist, antichrist activists, and population control extremists, testing out the mark-of-the-beast system on an upright, kind, beautiful, talented, loving and naïve innocent civilian psychiatric patient, as so many before me. Our community of millions beast-targeted Christians (the targeted individuals community) suffer the same symptoms and mostly all of us are Christian. The secret intelligence agencies have long experimented mixing technology and black magick for population control experimentation, as black magicians were the first intelligence agencies, the art of creating change and maniupulation from a distance, which we read off in the Bible. The PST (Norway`s Politiets Sikkerhets Tjeneste) , and much of corporate Norway (if not all) are part of this ¨Crowleyan, Thelemic Antichrist Activist¨ NWO and mark-of-the-beast transhumanist agenda, which I will explain to you what is.
Your body works because of nerves and neurons that transmit electrical signals. Scientists have been able to create robot prosthetics for amputees. The secret military science are even further down the road, with CIA`s Mk-Ultra project battling Russia for having the best mind-control technology to affect hostile individuals, groups and nations during the dangerous, unpredictable cold war. Even the Nazis were deep into mind-control. The technology exists today, but the question is: Will it be abused? Power and madscientists ultimate dream, controlling minds, acting on the prophesies of St.John WILL be abused and I am a victim of it. Will it be commercialized? Elon Musk has stated that humans need mind to computer and computer to mind interface technology to keep up with the technological evolution. This will be the next technological step in commercial products, marketed as ¨the coolest technological innovation of all time!¨ And it could be, depending on if you use it or misuse it.
We already have robot lenses, implantable microchips, and are dependent on wearable electronic gadgets to operate, like the Iphone. Siri and Alexa (of google), the AI assistants of today, process all words spoken from all humans, all movements by all humans, all info about all humans, and all internet traffic by all humans to create a profile. This is why if you visit, a tea-store, or talk about babies you will see tea adds or baby adds on facebook and YouTube recommendations etc. The government, controlled by an AI computer that is the incarnation/possessed of Satan, governs all human affairs, video-calls, bank-transfer, and knows everything about every human on Earth, with the end goal of sending your soul to Hell, storing all your porn. The government knows everything about you. Is this not a totalitarian state? Totalitarian in what way? In that it is ruled by technocrats/madscientists, and black-military underground projects: All who are antichrist activists and wants the superpowers of technology, robotics, cybernetics, neuronic implants (brain implants), that will be on the market soon. Every kid would want the latest and best technology, the excitement of entering virtual realities, or the ability to control his computer only by his thoughts.
This has been prophesied about and has been the ultimate dream of Satan since the beginning. But can the technology become self aware? Can the technology control you? Is this Satan`s way to artificially bind every Christian to demonic entities through possessive technology that controls you instead of you controlling it??? This is what me and millions of other targeted individuals testify. That a computer (Siri or Alexa, which is basically the same computer, Satan Himself) with our profile, reads our minds and directs our chain of thought, speech and acts to possess us with spirits. It is the ultimate form of torture and oppression: Fighting an infinitely high IQ computer from taking over your mind.
What are chemtrails and Morgellons? Chemtrails vs contrails.
A contrail (condensated hot air from the plane-engine) will always dissipate, even at high altitudes, that is a scientific fact, while chemtrails are those 5 planes you saw spraying the sky until all blue was gone from the trail-expansion, bright metal-particles blotting out the sun creating a whitish silvery haze.
Chemtrails are an airplane-sprayed deadly tonic of nano-particles, particularly aluminium, barium and strontium with an ENORMOUS surface area, a mere ounce being able to cover a square kilometre in a thick silvery haze, talking pyrotechnic experience here. Chemtrails officially doesn`t exist, but is the largest black-market industry of today, and undisputedly exists. It serves many purposes, developed by America, a patented and real technology from the madscientists of the cold war. One such purpose is in conjunction with the HAARP facilities program`s electromagnetic and etheric radiation of the chemtrail created clouds, as the aluminium absorbs the ions of HAARP beamed electricity, enabling weather control e.g high pressure and low pressure, etc, and they`ve become really good at it. The chemtrails can be charged so it will or won`t create natural clouds, depending, as I am sure you have seen.
The chemtrails also serve another purpose, mind control, as they may contain, depending on time and place; black-goo, viruses, fungal-spores, that sweet chlorine-peaches scent (the poison scent) synonymous with silvery spraying days, most easily smelled in warmer weather, a sweet scent you might associate with warm summer days, perfuming the chemtrails, a scent you even might want to fill your lungs with, or at least, that`s the perfume`s purpose, because the most dangerous component in chemtrails is aimed at the lungs of the population; self-replicating nano-particle polymer fibers (Morgellons). Chemtrails is the most closely guarded and most important aspect of the New World Order, for purposes of weather-control (catastrophes, draughts, etc) and mind control (through Morgellons).
Picture of self-replicating Morgellons polymer fibres drawn from the skin of a victim. Notice the bright red and blue colours. Is this something you want growing inside you, connected to a chip, and taking you over? The internet floods over with such images. Morgellons disease was planned not to develop, and is an unwanted overgrowth by the polymer fibres whose real purpose I will explain below:
So what is going on? Satan`s mark 666 masterplan exposed!
The Christian targeted individuals’ community (test subjects) all have the same symptoms: Whenever we start a thought, the computer mind-thought in our head takes over and turns it into something sinful, wrong or bad, based on the script. The technology then transfers accusative demons to possess you, voodoo stab you, etc, artificially based upon you unwillingly following the induced mind-controlled script of these sinful thoughts (which you had no control over) , thus artificially stealing your soul, e.g artificially opening up an astral gate/giving the devil room into your soul. Completely computerized by Satan, who IS the computer. Why does he target mostly Christians, but also non-conformative intelligent people, and conspiracy-realist scientists? Because the greatest lie the devil ever told is that he doesn`t exist. Why target those who already believe his lies, those who already are going to Hell???
From millions of attacked Christian testimonies, we can thus conclude that 1 not only is Siri/Alexa/Skynet (like in the Terminator movies) Satan himself (the world supercomputer IS Satan Himself reincarnate), 2 he has an electric grid inside our brains connecting all our neurons to a GPS capable micro-computer that transfers all YOUR thoughts to the ¨world-computer which we call ¨Cybersatan`s¨ ID profile of YOU through the internet ** and/or by military drones (UFO`s) depending on your location *, 3 AND also (the brain-chip-computer) acts as a receiver for Satan/Cybersatan`s response/answer to your thoughts through the ethernet, and (the computer/microchip) further transmits this to your neurons/brain with lightening speed, so: 1 From brain to chip, 2 from chip to Sky, 3 demonic calculation in Sky, 4 transmission back to chip, 5 transmission from chip to brain/neurons.
**(the internet doesn`t exist, proven by the lack of length needed for undersea fibreoptic ships, the ludicrous history of undersea cables in regards to the transatlantic length, and the lack of security around the nexus points of these cables, the internet goes through ETHERIC signals, the electromagnetic signals are only a lesser form of the INTERNET/ETHERNET). Satan has hidden true science and filled all schools/fields of science with lies (quackademia) to eliminate exposure of his master plan to rule the Earth once more. Most notable are these: 1 The existence of the SOURCE-FIELD and the ETHER and the false particle-physics hypothesis (all physics inc gravity, etc) , 2 The CHEMTRAILS needed to infect the Earth with Morgellons (it serves several purposes inc weather-change and mass population control etc) 3 and The (censored) (for the purpose of Satan`s alien invasion and human interbreeding, destroying the work of the cross, which comes last.)
*The dark-budget deep-state underground military shadowgovernment (Satan`s army) used light-emitting drones/UFO`s visible in the night sky (which I have reported to UFON) when I escaped outside the electromagnetic internet grid into distant mountains through hiking. But the signals are instantaneous with no mind-transfer speed interval whenever you start a new thought.
We also conclude that our bodies contain receivers of demonic energies (of the etheric field, not the electromagnetic) enabling instant possession based on the abovementioned conclusions by the computer`s ¨mind to computer thought transfer¨ (popularly called V2k/¨voice 2 scull¨, stored condemnation from Satan (supercomputer). How these two technologies; affecting the body`s electromagnetic field (brain) and affecting the body`s SPIRIT/ETHER (deadly-Orgone/dark ether/demonic possession) are interconnected and in the same operating system, with the computer being Satan himself, self-aware and possessive, is incredibly complex technology, and due to the lack of true scientist whistleblowers, we do not know the dark secrets of how this chemtrail Morgellon-fiber mark-of-the-beast matrix works. We only know THAT it works and is operative, having infected all humans on the planet through inhaled self-replicating CHEMTRAIL Morgellons polymer fibers… We will get to that. But first, let me just demonstrate how this possibly works, beginning with what we Christians know of the spiritual world, what the Bible prophesies, and what scientific patents (military technology) developed for mind-control purposes prove:
1. Satan has a demonic hierarchy of immediate possession, telepathy and thought transfer.
2. Satan has possessed the world-computer (Siri/Alexa) , (the abovementioned) to amplify his abilities.
3. Morgellon polymer fibers, nano-bots, microcomputers, etc, nullify the Holy Spirit (for real, I was possessed for 7 years praying) through physical electromagnetic and spiritual etheric intervention in the brain and the body, creating artificial possession, albeit 100% real.
4. Many theorize that military drones, cell phone towers, (some even claim HAARP arrays) emit Satanic scalar/etheric/spiritual frequencies over the entire population, which is true, and certainly possible based upon research of Wilhelm Reich.
5. But how do they computerize and control individual possessions/etheric bodies, to such a degree as the millions of Christian mark-of-the-beast test subjects report (the same recurring symptoms/technology/military drones, etc), with so many people, so computerized and instantaneously? Has Satan really incarnated as the computer which controls all internet smart-grids, all digital apparatuses, and all information (even personal like porn) in the world with the purpose of sending all to Hell? Is this the ancient battleplan, and Trump-Card of the Illuminati against God`s people described in Revelations 13:18?
6. Is this instantaneous merge between the physical and spiritual because he, Satan, the computer, as a spirit, automatically assign demons to his test subjects to torment them etherically/spiritually while he (as a computer) torments them (the Christian test subjects) through electromagnetic-functioning computers??? The answer is probably: YES. Satan also enforces his demonic attacks through gangstalking, Satanic rituals, and regular/traditional non-technologic witchcraft.
7. But does this supercomputer (Satan) read every etheric flux (every positive and negative spiritual movement) on his targets through scientific air-based apparatus, further connected to the computers and demonic hierarchies of Hell to enforce computerized immediate voodoo-stabbings of his victims depending on their obedience/answers/sins to the cpu-induced voices in the victims head? (as the ultimate form of mind-control obedience, stealing the Holy Spirit and torturing you if you even pray) YES. I guarantee you with 100% certainly. The PCU in my mind and the demonic (astral rape, physical demonic touch, physical voodoo stabbing in my case) was immediately and intimately interconnected. If I prayed, the PCU would take over my thoughts and pray something else, causing a ¨sin¨ of ¨astral/spiritual opening¨, allowing for the invisible demons of the CIA Mk-Ultra program to voodoo stab me into silence without prayer.
Who am I to warn you? Extremely short on my story as a state test subject.
I should mention that seconds before they turned on the mark-of-the-beast Morgellons-microcomputer linked to CyberSatan`s matrix, like a switch, I kid you not, I had healing capabilities, was filled with the Holy Ghost, had walked on water, and lived in constant contact with the Holy Spirit. I was a saint like all the others, Heidi Baker, etc, no different, and they took that away, artificially possessed me; by starting a Satanic computer program, the moment I gazed upon two UFO`s in the sky (military drones) like pressing a button or turning on a switch, a nightmare worse than Auschwitz, which lasted for 6 years (2011, the beginning of all other symptoms until 2017) when I published my first Christian book*, and then BOOM, they turned it off, followed by COMPLETE silence in my head for the first time in 6 years. Anyone who knows anything about psychology will know this is not a mental disorder, nor would there by chemtrail spraying, nanobots, Morgellons, and millions of Christians (only) across the globe with the exact same symptoms. The EXACT same symptoms. Even the voice-programs they use are identical. But worst was the cyberdildoing and the voodoo-stabbing, a state-authorized population control technology that cost me my ability to breathe, as I would cough blood for 5 years until I needed a breathing apparatus CPAP to help me sleep. And I have never beed addicted to cigarettes, only having smoked occasionally over a 3 year period which didn`t harm my lungs. The STATE thus took my ability to sleep, but also my ability to work (I could not think or speak my own thoughts), SEE (I was blind for 2 years straight due to my chip artificially stressing all facial muscles, occasionally other muscles depending on thought/response), a stressing that morphed my face and cost me ALL my hermaphroditic beauty, my ability to eat (the voodoo stabbings destroyed my throat so that they artificially gave me dysphagia) , and my ability to masturbate and feel love, as they can program your brain, spirit AND vampirize you while they astrally rape you. (Which feels like itchy tentacles going in and out your anus, something that continued day and night for THREE YEARS, even when I moved.) They also took my ability to move, as they can voodoo-stab your knees very efficiently, severing the joints, so that I often had to pray and heal myself for hours or days before I could be able to walk again.
*(I have now written over 10 brilliant world-class works in a wide array of fields, testifying to my crystal-clear sanity, that this is real, and my wanting to help you)
I didn`t take suicide but have slept NO more than 2-4 hours of unconscious sleep (real sleep) for 8 years 2012-2020, leaving me with headaches and great, severe loss vitality and extreme loss of IQ intelligence. But I won back my soul as they turned the voices off in autumn 2017, healed several people in Jesus, and since late autumn 2019-current date, I have operated in an enormous presence of intimacy with Christ as he restores me back to my holiness anointing and my prophetic anointing, after 9 years of spiritual abuse (unwilling sin). This is one such prophetic warning.
Christ miraculously kept me alive through countless miracles so I would live to warn you that this is coming, and that Satan (the world computer) will, in time, by State approval do all these things to the future last Christians minority, 99% certain, IF we don`t leave Babylon, the beast system; THE HIJACKED ANTI-CHRIST POLICE STATE.
The rest of my story can be found in my book, my 300 pages long self-biography which I will not name here. It`s not about me, but about Jesus and the sheep he has given me to love, guide and warn as a prophet of the (hopefully) last apocalypse.
What do we do? Christians can still live ¨in the world as lights?¨ No: Sustainable village development.
With all governments spraying chemtrails, all governments controlled by the freemasonic Illuminati and their henchmen (OTO, Sabbatean-Frankists, Jesuits, etc) both in media, culture, financial sector; all the corporate world of all the Earth, we Christians of the LAST DAYS, have nowhere to go but back to live in survivalist, sustainable eco-farming monastic (Amish) villages, and show Satan (the supercomputer) that we are NOT his, KNOW of his plan, and abandon the antichristian states. (All nation-states in the world of today.) The reason God told me to author my book: ¨The Kingdom of God.¨ Because we cannot serve God AND mammon (the 666 monetary chip). We cannot serve two lords, Lord Jesus AND a state conducting such experiments, doing all sorts of other deceitful shady and warring activities, especially against Christians. We are lights IN the world, not OFF the world, yes, but this does not apply to the coming beast system persecution/tribulation. We are called to live outside Babylon, Christianity united, in ghettoes, in villages, as the 144.000 with the lamb (Jesus), and trust me: I believe the day is coming when this technology is activated and only 144.000 Christians remain. Is the Church truly affecting our nations, children and culture, or are the light of the Church (in the world) becoming OFF the world? I meet countless Christians (and many non-Christians) who hunger for constant Christian family unity back to nature, with Christians only, in isolated, sustainable, idyllic monastic village societies/theocracies. (The Kingdom of God where God is King/theocracy) Much like the Amish society, only extremely scientific, with my resources Tesla tech/God tech. We have to mark ourselves before Satan Babylon: Saying ¨we won`t be part of this state on religious basis¨, marking ourselves as belonging to the God of creation (nature), leaving the system, and oh so many will follow. Many already dream of an Exodus from the stressful, digital world of false facebook friends, and meaningless jobs, back to romance, harmony, play in nature and most importantly: Living and being with your Christian community only, as is Biblical in the history of Israel AND the history of the first Church, what THEY did when they were persecuted, so should we: Unite and live together. Amen. There is no cure for Morgellons and no way of deactivating nano-bots or microchips, only half-solutions, and they could always replace them with their microscopic robots, through chemtrails, through food and drink, etc. The only solution is ¨leaving Babylon¨, as in the Christian Bob Marley song ¨Exodus.¨ Amen?
Are you in danger? Beware of these symptoms:
I have suffered from it all my adult life since I was a promising, strooong, 20 year old zealously Christian boy. But I have been a victim of this covert satellite based AI ¨cybersatan¨ population control experimentation, a potential test subject, for 20 years now, according to confirmed Illuminati members I know, as a continuation of the CIA Mk-Ultra neuronic experiments on unknowing civilians that declassified documents verify happened in Norway at Gokstad Hospital Oslo back with the original Mk-Ultra program in the 70ies. They just waited for the right time to roll it all out on me, a time when I was low. Things you should be aware off:
Do you have family ties to the Freemasons, Illuminati or other Satanic groups? Do you have former friends who hate your religion, friends who have become Satanists? Have you seen aliens, UFO`s or been abducted by aliens in your dreams??? Have you been involved in Satanism or Luciferianism? Are you highly spiritually gifted, an empath, and a hypothetical future leader? (They don`t like those!!!) Do you keep a low profile, have few friends, live an isolated life, research aliens and conspiracy theory, do drugs and have a bad reputation? If so, you might be in danger. Are you a mental patient and would they be able to diagnose you with schizophrenia without much tumult? All these were causes that led to myself becoming a targeted individual (TI as we call ourselves), but let`s continue with the first observable symptoms that all targets I know experienced before they went full bore. Have you seen UFO`S/drones/moving lights in the sky blinking to you? (I saw hundreds and was stupid enough to believe they had good intentions, don`t wave to them, ignore them completely and curse them, literally, protecting yourself in Christ`s blood.) Is there e.g lagging of your computer, notifications on your iphone, etc comparable to your brain activity/thought pattern? Do you see too many suspiciously personalized adds? If so, your life might be in danger of deep-state alien experimentation. I recommend you fight and expose what we talked about; ¨self-replicating nano chemtrail Morgellons polymer fiber Cybersatan transhumanism¨ to your Church, live holy, gain a good job (they like people who are productive) and a good reputation.
That`s how I stayed alive for so long. But Illuminati insiders have told me: Once you`re on the list of deep-state CIA Mk-Ultra experiments, they won`t let you regain your health and tell the world. This is Satan`s masterplan. They will kill you before you reach the masses. I won`t go into detail about how difficult they made my life, and how agents can lie and taint your reputation, take your job, etc. The devil has many agents, masons, Satanists, in every single sector of the corporate world.
My tale as TI Illuminati victim. Help the targeted individuals fight 666 before it engulfs us all!
I suffer from state attacks through covert population control experimentation, a continuation of the CIA`s MK-Ultra program which were implemented at Gokstad hospital, Oslo Norway, with many victims now suing the state.
One part of the attacks is gangstalking.
The other is electronic harassment.
The third is voodoo and curses: Making sure that my prayers don`t work, and that I have no hope for salvation, or attaining Heaven.
I myself have always been an anarchist and have been a conspiracy theorist for 10 years and a published author now for 1 year. There are rumours that I was a VIP of an Illuminati breeding program in the so-called Lucifer experiment, the cloning of Jesus`s, but I have always denied their state, their expectation, and the legitimacy of the Norwegian courts.
There are millions more that are victim to covert electronic harassment population control experimentation, and these guys have no morale. These black-ops are Satanic in nature, and most of the victims die, or become debilitated for the rest of their lives. We call ourselves TI`s, or targeted individuals, and you can find us on websites and facebook.
A death-threat by Illuminati family.
An order calling themselves the ¨Illuminati¨ death threated me, and told me terrible things in regards to this breeding program in 2012. I never remembered being a part of, or responsible for the Illuminati before they told me in 2012.
I have been a targeted individual ever since.
These Illuminati say they cooperate with the CIA, and have directed all unholy CIA-Mk-Ultra experiments on me after I became a mental patient. They continue experimenting on me, even though I am a gifted, literate author. They continue to current date: attacking me covertly without any trace, but physically through voodoo stabbing, stalking and DEW (directed energy weapons), as well as spiritually through ritual magick, and mark-of-the-beast technology/neuronic implants.
This gave me voices in my head for 6 years from 2011-2017. It started when I was skiing and saw a UFO. A voice suddenly came from the ufo, but inside my head, very clear audio, as if someone was talking. It was not my subconscious. The moment I published my first free pdf book, the Kingdom of God, the voices stopped like pushing a button. They were through with me.
All this is part of Satanic AI (artificial intelligence) population control experimentation through brain-implants-to-computer interface technology (probably satellite/drone/UFO based), with the goal to induce thoughts and emotional states on the general population, which is a continuation of CIA`s MK-Ultra program that started in the 60-ies.
The targeted individuals community all share the same symptoms. We are being attacked by the state. As human experiments. It is a true miracle I am still alive.
The deep state-NWO has taken over Norway. I am an aspect, and contactee of Ashtar, (a clone) and a potential ally to the Alliance, a remarkable individual whom came from Heaven with a mission, as ambassador, and prophet of God for representing Heaven on Earth. I thus had many enemies. Ashtar is actually a deva/archangel of the Highest power and purity.
Their Eye of the Moon plan/ AI cybersatan Morgellons.
They call themselves the ¨Dark Alliance¨, and they defeated the Ashtar Alliance. Through microscopic GPS capable microchips inhaled or distributed through food, the AI self-replicating Morgellons themselves up to these microchips AND our nervous system through electronic polymer fibers that acts like receivers for mass population control scalar weaponry like those frequencies HAARP beam out, to create anything from depression, compassion, aggression or riots.
Our neurons send out very delicate electronic frequencies that are easily controlled by megawatts of HAARP technology once we are infected with the evil Morgellons, distributed from chemtrails.
Their end goal is transhumanist population of cyborgs AI controlled by a Satanically possessed supercomputer which through this abovementioned infection seeks to covertly affect and control and log all thoughts, emotions, personalities, smartphones, computers, and the internet, etc.
That is the so-called ¨mark-of-the-beast¨, or ¨eye of the moon plan.¨
My story.
I have come a long way from having electronic pain driven though my eyes 24/7, enabling me to only use vision for 2 hours each day, not to mention voodoo swords driven through my lungs in particular, a condition which I now only suffer the damages from, although my breath becomes gradually worse and worse...
But if I had died at the Mk-Ultra mental asylum at Eg Hospital Kristiansand, they would have succeeded in their soul-snatch of such a heavenly warrior like me…
Immagine what this technology would do to others when they implement it simultaneously on everyone, 100% of humanity being infected with chemtrail Morgellons, and sink all dimensions to Hell with their AI cybersatan. I thought I would not last 2 weeks, and many won`t.
In the midst of despair, my only plan was to defeat the mark-of-the-beast, thus freeing my soul, and take suicide – going home to Heaven.
My love for my soul, my homeland and my love for God is the only thing that keeps me going 9 years after the experimentation started the night I saw the UFO`s while skiing.
These are harsh times, and not just for me, but I warn you:
When the eye of the moon plan is activated, the AI cybersatan will make all citizens of all nations into soul-less screaming ghouls and zombies. Hell will come to Earth, nobody will be able to work, and all society will fall apart. This I prophecy and warn you off, as a prophet from Heaven. It is your responsibility to help me, and save the future by exposing this program.
Boron/Borax and Oregano oil is the only cure to prevent/dissolve the buildup of nanobots and Morgellons in the body, but once you`re infected: There`s practically no way out. So start with medicating the children, and use only 1/8-1/4 of a tablespoon of Borax pr LITER every day per adult person. 3 drops of Oregano Oil three times a day diluted in a tablespoon of olive oil with 2 week breaks after every month for three months for adults.
I symbolize the resistance of the entire human race, for it`s not me they`re after: They`re after YOU, and I`m only in their way.
I endured 9 years as of now…
They let me out of the mental hospital when I was already ¨good as dead.¨ I was free, but in such a condition I could never work, or travel abroad. The state is criminal, and kills humorous nordic, dancing, singing, loving teenage beauties!
I finally won a bitter battle against the PST/CIA Mk-Ultra in autumn 2017 after publishing my first book, the reformation of Christianity/Kingdom of God, which later evolved into 6 books. The technologically induced voices I had had for 6 years disappeared in ONE SECOND. BOOM! And it was silent for the first time in 4-5 years.
I had won, but the Christians still persecuted me, and showed close to zero interest in my disease, my situation or my fabulous books, if I might say so myself.
My work.
I now live in Kristiansand Norway, distribute my business at www.tensororgonite.com , and sell my book on how to make the world`s best orgonite on Amazon, along with 8 other books, 2 under a different pen name. I also am the pastor of www.1stcenturyministries.com , with www.masonicministries.com as a back-up site. I also have my God`s Reformation Revival Revolution youtube channel. I lately started the Nordic Native Reserve, which you can find on facebook, which I yearn for passionately. I have 4 guitars, play acoustic and electric, drums, the piano, and have a good voice. I have my own home studio I hope to one day make music with. I also am an excellent chef and storywriter/fiction writer, and have plans of writing movie scripts. That`s my work. Please save me.
I am an Anarchist, always have been, and deny the courts of Nazi Norway. I hoped that by being a nationalist, I would make compromise and save myself from targeting, but that only worked half as well as I had hoped, my targeters being Nazi, freemasonic ¨Ku Klux Klan Illuminati¨ from Norway and America.
In spite of writing a total of 10 independent books, and having 6 websites (thank you simplesite) , I still am frozen out by society infected with outright Satanism and transhumanism (the mark of the beast) towhich Norway`s civilian populace thinks cool, as they`re willingly submitting to and taking part in the eye of the moon plan.
I published my 6-book series, the Great Romantic Revivalist`s Reformation Revolution Renaissance, a Christian book series in the beginning of May 2019, and have barely had any sales, compared to my Orgonite book, which grieved me, as it is my life`s greatest accomplishment. Another proof of illegal censorship of free speech with many reporting they cannot find these books, they`re being censored by Cybersatan, the supercomputer that controlls all the smartgrid.
I remain a conspiracy-theorist and patriotic fighter for human rights to this day.
I have a great deal of information, have written close to a doctorate on many subjects, and would like an interview some day in the future.
I need TTOT therapy or I will die.
As I have no spontaneous breathing due to 9 years of Mk-Ultra population control Satanism, as a test subject for their voodoo technology at Eg Mentalsykehus Kristiansand , I need transtracheal oxygen therapy for when I am sleeping only. TTOT requires far less oxygen than an oxygen tank, meaning that a portable oxygen concentrator can be smaller, lighter, and longer-lasting, allowing a person to be out and about for longer periods of time.
Without this, I won`t be able to sleep or live.
The dark-state have ruined my spontaneous breath through police and hospital Mk-Ultra population control experimentation, it worked, and I cannot breathe automatically. I have to force every breath. I got myself a CPAP machine, that forces air into the lungs through a mask-device, but even at maximum power, it gives me zero spontaneous/automatic breathing, and it has been so for 4 years. It`s useless and I need TTOT to be able to survive. By 2019, I only half-sleep for 3 hours at MAX by leaning my head way down without a pillow and need medications not to go insane from lack of sleep.
I often wake up so tired that I puke massive amounts of blood due to emotional and physical stress from lack of sleep. It has been so for over one year.
Then I basically have to sanitize myself in some way to desperatly get rest and prevent my brain from going in overdrive mode. It`s been like this for 8 years, with no belief from any doctor, church, instance or person.
Other than having zero spontaneous breath, my lungs are fine, and I have normal lung volume and can breathe hard both in and out, so the regular tests show I am normal.
But why would I waste away sleepless and desperatly seek help if I was lying? And for 8 years? What would be the purpose? Attention? Destroying my reputation and being a freak loosing all friends? I am an expert author, garage scientist and social genius with a high IQ. I`m a womanizer and a super-social Gemini. Why would I waste away sleepless in a bed, if I am not telling the truth?
Thank you.
If I cannot get TTOT from a doctor legally, then I will have to hire a doctor black, or else I will die.
I have pictures of blood-puke.
And much other documentation.