Parts of late Thomas Eidsaa's portfolio

Thomas Eidsaa wanted to cure all disease, poverty and starvation!  He worked for a better world, for justice and peace.  SADLY  Thomas died in December 2020. His last words - "Jesus loves you"



Hi! My name is Thomas, a self-educated author into Christian, and conspiracy-theory topics.

I demand three things. 1 That the awakened create a New Earth Ubuntu village of contributionism like a Trojan-horse pallet example so the glass house of cards will tumble, 2 a Reich-scientist group in Norway. ( 3 And thus the end the New World Order by mass enlightenment through exposure of the 1 technocratic, 2 cultural and 3 financial elite, focusing on the technocratic elite, e.g cancer cures, alternative village science, alternative electricity, something all relate to, thus shaping the future in the lead, not as sheep. The awakened must overtake any free nation with such a Trojan-horse village society, but all hippies, wizards and conspiracy-realists must UNITE and focus ALL on ONE nation to get the ball rolling, ok? Norway would be ideal.

Don`t curse the darkness ¨ah I hate the NWO.¨ No, light a candle instead! Gather the ambers and the one, single light will expell all darkness, as the NWO glass house of cards will fall by the uproar of the people. We the people have the OBLIGATION to be in the LEAD to change our future. The negative forces shaping our current systems are simply humans like me and you, driven by GUTS and MONEY. It is simply a matter of who has the most GUTS, and never an armed conflict, this world being like ¨a TV-show¨. Furthermore: This NWO has replaced common sense and common ethics with the inversed teachings of all holy books.

Their barbarity, individualism and power-lust!

The call it ¨the only sustainable future and inevitable global order.¨

Really? A non-polarized peaceful world can only come through common human ethics, the Buddha, Krishna Jesus example, not common social status, income or common equal intelligence. Period. And that`s the reason I wrote the Law of Source, Love and Light. All great periods in human history were due to a peope-serving priesthood whose religion (e.g sacred geometry, astrology, etc) incorporated sacred philosophy and sacred science. There was never a point in history where science was not alchemy, magick, secret and SACRED, like the Christian and Egyptian (Atlantean) religion of the survivors, the religion of the SUN, their monuments still surrounding us everywhere, baffling us; because we lost our guardian priesthood... THAT`s our aim. A sustainable ecologically intelligent monastic village trojan horse civilization. A globalized world is not sustainable AT ALL. The bird-flu, SARS and Corona virus epidemics prove the NWO is a non-sustainable wildshot. Only an ethically homogenous world of small, independent towns (cells) of OUR high-tech are sustainable and could last for tens of thousands of years. Not only do we eliminate the countless future epidemics, biological mad-scientists, and wars funded by a global banking elite:

There is simply not oil, and not enough Cobalt for electric car batteries.

The NWO was built to fall: Look at the OTHER hand of illusionist`s cards:

It is US the FREE BRAVE ONES who shape our world. My mission is an inevitable future outcome, but I don`t want 20 generations to suffer before they realize their ancestors were irresponsible and led future generations into a globalized world doomed to fail OR: Forever be controlled by madscientists of the banking-cartel.


So, let`s BUILD that village! So, cheer up, light a candle, and stop watching depressing videos nurturing darkness. Get optimistic, activistic and organized with your conspiracy-theory friends. Let`s start in your back-yard, let`s start love-and-light-family gatherings, think tanks and private schools. Got me? This is the most exciting time to be alive. Run with it. The mantle is just as much yours as it is mine.

Imagine if all alternative news sectors combined with alternative science in the ¨Tesla sustainable village project¨ of Tomislav Tesla. We might save 20 generations!

All will WANT our village system of alternative physics, alternative history, and alternative medicine with free electrical energy, levity-propulsion technology (google Coral Castle) and simple etheric and herbal cures to every disease. One such village ignites a hundred more, and the worldwide system collapses.

EVEN now, millions are desperately seeking an exodus from the busy, tiring life of 24/7 work 5 days a week, AWAY from the hectic 5g virtual reality of false friends and back into REAL friendship and romance with mother nature.

But we must act while the internet is still free. These are the goals I`ve had all my life (after I decided not to become a politician, yes you can blame me for that).

I wanted to follow Jesus and tread a new, sustainable future pathway, and not end up like some copy-doll puppet antichrist, of which there are too many. I am willing to die for you as a MASSIVE target by the misanthropist Sabbatean-Frankist NWO Illuminati Jesuit conglomerate. THEIR religion is ¨worship yourself.¨ OUR religion is love; the humanistic codes and strength in UNITY! It`s time you realize it`s not necessarily me they`re after. They`re after me because I try protecting YOU.